Vietnamese Catholic Community in Russian Federation

                                                               Moscow. Russia

                                                           email :


                                                                       Moscow 19th April, 2005


Pope Benedict XVI


Dear Our Holy Father ,

We have great joy to say how delighted we were at the elevated responsibility you received. Your great contribution for the world has at least been publicly recognized by the award of Our Lord. We know that our Prayers have been answered.

We will share this great event with our community of 650 Vietnamese Catholics in Russian Federation who will rejoice with us.

Thank you God for giving us a new shepherd. We trust that you will be a father of great faith and spirit. May the Lord watch over you and keep you close throughout your pontificate, for the greater glory of God!

All of us would like to loudly say :

-Please visit us in Russia soon! We love You !

- Moi Cha den que huong Vietnam ! (In Vietnamese)

And we hope with all our heart that you will come to visit our native land Vietnam !

Hope to see you in World Youth Day in Cologne !

May the Lord bless Benedict XVI papacy! Our Lady of the Rosary intercedes for You !

Yours In Christ

Vietnamese Catholic Community in Russian Federation


Moscova             Ngay 19 Thang 4 Nam 2005

Duc Thanh Cha than yeu cua chung con !

Chung con vo cung vui mung ma thua voi Cha rang chung con vui suong biet bao voi trong trach ma Cha vua nhan duoc .Nhung dong gop lon lao cua Cha cho The gioi cuoi cung da duoc Chua Jesus tra cong boi hau.Chung con  biet rang loi keu cau cua chung con da duoc Thien Chua tra loi.

Chung con se se chia niem vui mung nay den 650 anh chi em Cong giao Vietnam o Lien bang Nga,nhung nguoi se rat  hoan hi.

Cam ta Thien Chua da mang den cho chung con mot vi muc tu moi.Chung con trong cay rang Cha se la Cha vi dai cua Niem tin va Linh hon chung con.Cau chuc cho Chua Cuu The trong cay noi Cha va giup do Cha trong ngoi vi Giao hoang,nhan danh Thien Chua cuc trong.

Tat ca chung con muon reo vang :

-Xin Cha mau toi Nga ! Chung con yeu quy Cha !

-Moi Cha den que huong Vietnam !

Chung con hy vong gap Cha trong Ngay Quoc te Gioi tre tai Cologne !

Xin Chua Jesus phu ho cho Duc Thanh Cha Benedict XVI. Duc Me luon cau bau cho Cha !

Kinh chuc Cha luon Bang An Trong Chua Jesus

Cong Doan CGVN tai LB Nga



















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