Thu chia buon cua CDCGVN tai LB Nga toi Hoi dong Cong ly va Hoa binh Toa Thanh va than quyen cua DHY Nguyen Van Thuan


Moscow September 17 , 2000

Pontifical Council for Justice an Peace

We read in today's Vietnamese Catholic Website Vietcatholic with great regret the sad news of Cardinal Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan's death and wish to send you our sincerest condolences.
His death is a great loss and that he is deeply mourned by Vietnameses and all who ever knew him.
Cardinal Nguyen Van Thuan will be long remembered in the world as one devoted his life to Our Lord Jesus Christ and to the service of mankind.His journey to Vietnamese Catholic Community in Russia is brighter example of God's Love last year.
We and those who have succeeded him in his work are very grateful for the standards he set and are
endeavoring to maintain them.We keep alive the memory and name of a distinguished Catholic and a good man and pray for him.
We should be very grateful if you could kindly convey our deepest sympathy to his mother Mrs.Ngo Dinh Thi Hiep and his sister Anne Ham Tieu.
Yours in Christ ,
Vietnamese Catholic Community in Russian Federation


Moscow September 17 , 2000

Kinh gui Ba Co Ngo Dinh Thi Hiep va Ba Anne Ham Tieu ,

Chung con vo cung dau don duoc tin 3 gio truoc,gio Moscow, Duc Hong Y Francis Xavier da tu tran.Chung con dang co gang goi dien sang Vatican de biet ro ve tin nay va mong sao no dung tro thanh su that.
Vi niem hy vong cua nguoi Cong giao Vietnam va tat ca nhung ai biet Ngai ve mot phep la chua lanh benh Ngai da tat.Gio nay tai Moscow moi rang sang,nhung anh chi em da bat day,khoc loc,thuong nho va cau nguyen cho Ngai.Nhung ky niem ve chuyen di tham Cong doan CGVN tai Nga cua Ngai vao nam ngoai,buoi toi tuyet day troi,sang ruc phao hoa chao mung,Cha con hoan hi gap mat lai hien ve.
Duc Hong Y ra di giua luc tai danh dang ruc ro nhat,giua luc niem khat vong ve mot dang Chu chan
cua nguoi CGVN chay bong nhat. ''La vang con o tren cay ma La xanh da ve coi" ,chac gio nay Ba Co dang rat buon dau.
Bay len Tren Cao kia,chi mot toi nam ay, nhung Ngai de lai cho chung con that nhieu.Loi dan Ket doan -Dai Doan ket cua Ngai luon vang vong trong trai tim chung con.Chung con cam on Ba Co da sinh ra mot nguoi con nhan hau - nguoi lam rang danh nuoc Vietnam tren toan The gioi, nguoi la hien than cua Dang Cuu Do o tran the nay.
Gio ma Ba Co vuot mat cho con trai de ve voi Cha cung la gio chung con cau nguyen cho Ngai.
Xin Hong An Thien Chua do tran mai xuong Ba Co va Gia dinh

Kinh vieng
Cong doan CGVN tai LB Nga

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